Getting Augmentation Mammoplasty In Singapore

Getting Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty in Singapore

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular sought after aesthetic procedure in Singapore these days. It is a surgical procedure to reconstruct or increase the size of the breast by placing breast implants inside the breast.

The two common types of breast implants used are saline implants and silicone implants. Saline breast implant is filled with sterile saline solution and it gives a uniform shape, feel and firmness.  Silicone breast implant is filled with silicone gel and it tend to feel and look more natural than saline implants.

Neither is ‘best.’ Each type of breast implant has its own advantages and disadvantages. The patient must choose which type of implant is most appropriate for her, after discussing with her plastic surgeon.  Both types of implants are safe to be used and are effective for breast augmentation. And whether you choose saline or silicone implants, it is highly recommended that you monitor your breast implants and visit your doctor for regular follow-up checkups to make sure the implants are functioning properly. MRI or an ultrasound scan should be done to determine the condition of breast implants.

How the breast implants are inserted?  There are two different ways for your surgeon to place the implant into your breast. The breast implant is placed either under the breast tissue or behind the breast muscle. You should discuss with your surgeon which method is best for you and make the decision jointly.

After the implants are placed, the incision sites will be stitched closed, your breasts will be covered with gauze bandage. An elastic bandage or support bra may be given to reduce swelling and help to support your breasts as they heal.  You should be able to go home after a few hours. Do arrange for a relative or friend to drive you home after the surgery as it is not safe for you to drive due to the anesthesia given to you.

Image of breast implant placement

Image of Breast Implant Placement

What To Expect After Breast Augmentation Procedure

Before you leave the clinic, your breast surgeon will most likely give you pain relieve medications to help you relief any discomfort and manage the pain you could experienced when the anethetic wears off.

It’s very important that you follow your doctor’s instructions on how best to look after and care for your breasts after the augmentation procedure. It is important that you clean the incision sites and apply the medication as directed by your doctor to reduce the risk of infection.  During the first few weeks, it will be good for you to put on the support bra. You will most likely experienced some soreness and swelling around the incison area for up to a couple of weeks. The swelling will soon ease off over time and the scars will also fade over time.

Avoid any strenous activities and exercises for up to a month or until your doctor has given the approval for you to return to those exercises and activities.

What is Singapore Pricing for Breast Augmentation

There is no one fixed price tag attached to breast augmentation procedure. Breast augmentation costs can vary, based on a surgeon’s experience, the type of breast implant being used as well as where the breast clinic is located in Singapore.

Generally, the cost of breast augmentation or implant will include the following:

·       Anesthesia fees

·       Surgeon’s fee

·       Hospital or surgical facility costs

·       Medical tests

·       Prescriptions for medication

·       Post-surgery garments


In selecting the right Singapore mammoplasty surgeon for your breast enhancement, besides considering the cost or price, it is important to choose a surgeon who is well trained and many years of experience in mammoplasty surgery in Singapore. A surgeon’s experience and your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final price.

Finally, one important point to take note is that NOT everyone will be a good candidate for breast augmentation. Some ladies will find that they are more more suitable for Mastopexy breast lift instead of breast augmentation. To find out more about the difference between Mastopexy and Mammoplasty, you may visit this website